Full Name
Email Address
School Applying For
Describe your conversion experience and present relationship with the Lord
Describe other significant spiritual experiences you have had in your walk with the Lord. (i.e. Spiritual warfare, moments of using your giftings, etc.)
How would you describe your relationship with your family? Include how they feel about your plans to come to YWAM Haiti.
Describe your relationship with your local church; include areas of service and leadership.
How is your church going to support your decision to come to the YWAM Haiti?
Are you presently employed or in school? Please specify.
Describe your long-term goals. Specify.
Have you had any other mission experience? If so, where and what types of ministrywere you involved in?
What giftings do you see operating in your life?
What do you see as your greatest struggle?
What areas of your character are you presently seeking God to further develop and improve?
Do you work well under pressure?
Have you ever been involved in; a felonious crime, drug or alcohol abuse, occultic activities, immorality or homosexual practices? Explain. (NOTE: This will not affect acceptance.) Do you actively participate in voodoo, or are you under any obligation to voodoo?
Are you currently involved in any special relationship? (Such as boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancée, possible romantic relationship or complicated ex–relationship?)
Are you sexually active at this time?
Why do you want to attend this DTS program?
How did you hear about the YWAM base in St. Marc, Haiti?
Please list any special circumstances or situations we should know about.
Please list the names and addresses of your three references.